Hardy Lab
Marine Environmental Physiology
Useful Links and Resources
Biological Sciences Deparment, California Polytechnic State University: http://bio.calpoly.edu/
Graduate Programs, California Polytechnic State University: https://grad.calpoly.edu/
Research Opportunities at Cal Poly: https://www.calpoly.edu/research
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB): https://sicb.org/
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society: https://www.sigmaxi.org/
Some useful tips for applying to graduate school*: http://www.ericlwalters.org/gradschool.htm
*This page was created by Eric Walters at Old Dominion University. It is geared towards ecology, wildlife and field biology graduate programs, however I find it to be relevant to graduate programs of virtually all biological disciplines.
Over time, Dr. Walters published these tips: Walters, E.L. 2018. Eleven strategies for getting into graduate school in ecology & evolutionary biology. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 11:78-83.
Recommended Reading

Van Emden, Helmut F (2008). Statistics for terrified biologists. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

Pechenik JA (2012). A short guide to writing about biology. 8th Ed. Boston: Pearson

Strunk W Jr, & White EB (1979). The elements of style. 4th Ed. New York: Macmillan

Day RA, Gastel B (2011). How to write and publish a scientific paper. 7th Ed. California: Greenwood

Carson, R (1997).The edge of the sea. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company

Weiner J (1994). The beak of the finch. New York: Random House, Inc.

Colburn T, Dumanoski D & Meyers JP (1997). Our stolen future. New York: Plume (Penguin Group)

Marguilis L & Sagan D (2002). Acquiring genomes: a theory of the origin of species. New York: Basic Books

Corson T (2004). The secret life of lobsters. New York: Harper Collins Publishers

Sept JD (2002). The beachcomber’s guide to seashore life of California. British Columbia: Harbour Publishing

Gotshall DW (2005). Guide to marine invertebrates: Alaska to Baja California. Santa Barbara: Shoreline Press

Jensen GD (1995). Pacific Coast: Crabs and Shrimps. Monterey: Sea Challengers

Morris RH, Abbot DP, Haderlie EC (1980). Intertidal invertebrates of California. Redwood City: Stanford University Press
Basket of blue crabs - Wpopp
Orange sea star - Paul Shaffner
Clown nudibranchs - Jon Radoff
Vibrio vulnificus - CDC/James Gathany
All remaining photos - Sean Lema or Kristin Hardy