Hardy Lab
Marine Environmental Physiology
Interested in joining the lab?
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates can join the lab in a number of ways:
Special problems for Undergraduates (BIO 200; 1-2 credits)
Research Experience for Undergraduate (BIO 300; 1-2 credits)
Special problems for Advanced Undergraduates (BIO 400; 1-2 credits)
Senior Project - Research (BIO 462; 2 credits)
Honors Research (BIO 463; 2 units)
Frost Summer and Academic Year Undergraduate Research Opportunities - paid positions
Santa Rosa Creek Foundation Undergraduate Research - paid positions
Volunteer - unpaid position
Graduate Students
Cal Poly offers a Masters of Science (M.S.) in Biological Sciences, through which I accept students. Information on this program can be found at: https://bio.calpoly.edu/content/graduate-degrees
If you are interested in our lab, please contact me by email: kmhardy@calpoly.edu
“Few things provoke like the presence of wild animals. They pull at us like tidal currents with questions of volition, of ethical involvement, of ancestry.”
-Barry Lopez, Arctic Dreams
** I am currently seeking a graduate student (M.S. in Biological Sciences) to join my lab in the Fall of 2023**